Month: December 2019
Whatsapp coming up with new feature for the users
Whatsapp WhatsApp has been dealing with a self-destructing feature for its messages for a long while. Subsequent to being viewed as a piece of a few beta forms, the feature was theorized to be very like the snapshots self-destructing informing. The most recent report, notwithstanding, uncovers WhatsApp’s self-destructing feature could work in an unexpected way.…
Asus Zenfone M1 Pro update received (ZB601KL-PKQ1.WW-16.2017.1912.060-20191125)
Asus Zenfone M1 Pro (ZB601KL-PKQ1.WW-16.2017.1912.060-20191125) Received an OTA update now which is 182 MB. Click here To download the software update fast, use Wi-Fi to download the update. Before downloading the update, charge your device up to 50% or more. Your device won’t allow you to put in the new software if the battery is…
Petty needs would destroy nature
We, humans, use technology for using our needs for luxury and comfort. Nature has given us all possible ingredients but to make it more assessable we do processing thereupon suit our requirements. For items nowadays we package it for consumers which include fruits, vegetables, and other products. Some are cooked foods and some are pre-cooked…
Technological Progress in Human Race
Might is right, but in the contemporary world, the phrase has now become obsolete. Herewith the invention of technology, hi-tech warfare is conducted through commands from your fingertips instead of holding a gun as an object they use high definition electronic gadgets. For example, equipment’s like Drones, sophisticated radar-controlled missiles. War used to take…